It's still January, our national soup month, and it is a bit warmer outside (in the 40's now), but since we've been on a soup binge I thought I'd squeeze this last one in. I bet everyone is sick of my soup and turkey already :) Bear with me just a bit longer here and maybe even try your hand at your own chili-soup concoction. If you don't do meat, I have just stolen my old red cabbage soup and veggie soup "recipes" (they all have similar ingredients and I don't do recipes- anyone else's or my own), so don't feel oppressed by all the recent turkey food. Cabbage is delicious in its own right. My soup archive is here if you do so dare to venture into soup-land.
Anyways, I decided that this sad package of ground turkey I had in the bottom of the fridge deserved a privileged place on my soup extravaganza list. This was inspired by both my shivering body (last week it snowed ?!?) and Melissa's latest bison chili post. I have been building on top or alongside many of Melissa's ideas lately - she provides excellent nutrition and lifestyle information. No commission, of course; I just enjoy sending you readers to a bonafide nutritionist. I am just a want-to-be nutritionist (who is working on my preliminary PhD presentation for early in February - wish me luck - I need a friggin' miracle here!)
Although the pictures look awful, this soup tasted great and is uber healthy. Be sure to add a good dose of extra virgin olive oil to the soup right before serving for extra healing monounsaturated good fat and a delicious flavor boost.
Turkey Chili Base:
1 lb ground lean turkey
2 medium to large onions
4 jalapeño with seeds, whole
6-8 cloves garlic, minced (or however many you prefer)
1/4" chunk fresh ginger, minced
2 T. organic virgin coconut oil, for sauteeing
1 T. gf bbq sauce (optional- I use Kraft Lite)
garlic powder, to taste
2-3 T. dried rosemary
dash cayenne pepper (optional, but its great for a little metabolism boost, detoxing, and internal heating if you know what I mean!)
~1 t. (fiesta) chili powder- check ingredients to ensure gluten free
~2 t. turmeric
pinch paprika
~1 t. sage or gluten free poultry seasoning
Cabbage Soup Base:
8-10 c. pure water
1 c. red cabbage
~2 c. green cabbage
5-6 fresh basil leaves
Add the coconut oil to your large stockpot and turn the heat to medium to melt the oil. Roughly chop the onion, mince the garlic and ginger/horseradish mixture, and slice or mince 1-2 of the jalapeños. Add the chopped onion and garlic-pepper mix to the hot pot and saute for 2-3 minutes until the garlic is very light brown and aromatic.
Add the ground turkey and seasonings to the sauteed onion and garlic in the pot, and turn the heat to low. Break up the meat and mix in the seasonings with a spoon or spatula. Cook on low to medium low for 5-7 minutes or until the meat is ~ half done. You can cook it thoroughly, but that's unnecessary since the meat will simmer in the soup.
Next, combine all the other ingredients in the pot. I find it easiest to add all my veggies first and then pour in the water so that I do not overfill the pot. Turn the heat to low. Cover and let simmer for ~ 1 hour. Serve hot.
Add the ground turkey and seasonings to the sauteed onion and garlic in the pot, and turn the heat to low. Break up the meat and mix in the seasonings with a spoon or spatula. Cook on low to medium low for 5-7 minutes or until the meat is ~ half done. You can cook it thoroughly, but that's unnecessary since the meat will simmer in the soup.
Next, combine all the other ingredients in the pot. I find it easiest to add all my veggies first and then pour in the water so that I do not overfill the pot. Turn the heat to low. Cover and let simmer for ~ 1 hour. Serve hot.