Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Fall Chickens and Updates

So that kimchi post is still a'coming, I swear it!  I've been swallowed by the yard, farming, and a bit of  art (finally!).  We had a bad run with the last batch of hens- multiple raccoon and possum attacks cleaned us out of our entire black star flock as well as Rand, my baby Old English Bantam rooster, and a Dominique hen.  We lost our friendliest birds and were left with a handful of roosters and flighty, aggressive Americanas.  But as time flows (well entropy at least is increasing) so does life... and we are back in the chicken business with a new batch of young hens and more hatchling black star hens and another bantam rooster. 
For your viewing pleasure (and as a distraction to the fact I'm slacking on the blog), here are some clips of the new birds.  The first is the young hen batch of 2 Australorp, 2 White Brahmas, and 2 Rhode Island Reds (who I mistake for New Hampshires in the video -- similar breed).  Our Dominique rooster Zebe is also in there taking up camera space.  He was the only bird we saved from the raccoons in the middle of the night when I woke up to chicken cries.  He had his rear munched on and leg hurt, but, after a short recovery inside, he is alive and well. 

And don't forget the black stars and Raj.  I need to hold onto this Bantam rooster- he's my third one and I'm running out of good r rooster names.  We've already had Roy and Rand.  Sorry Abba but we are not having a Ron :)

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