Kamis, 23 September 2010

Blast from the Past

So as many of you may have noticed, Cindalou's has been on hold for awhile, lurking behind that hotel room door with the polite "do not disturb--I am turning my life 180 degrees out of phase." Oh wait--they don't give you those door tags anymore- guess printing the paper cost too much in this economy. Alas, I'm back and have more than a few updates for you all (as if you had not already heard about agave nectar, it is now a no-no). A big no-no as in "worse than high  fructose corn syrup." I'll leave it to the professionals like Dr. Mercola and CBS on that one. Who knew? I was certainly on the agave bandwagon and had to find use (trash) for 3 pantry bottles of the amber nectar myself. Sigh, Se la vie I suppose.

As for as why the heck did Cindalou's go hide under a rock for a year or so (who's counting, really)? Time flies when you're having fun. Or moving to another state and leaving your astrophysics PhD at UNC at the drop of a dime. Literally, we bought a house, moved, and rented out our Chapel Hill apartment in 3 or 4 days. More on that later. Oh and the move to the great state of Tennessee was in the midst of moving to Connecticut.  Who's complaining when your husband gets his dream job, you get your dream house in the area you've always wanted to live, and you can now move on to other things?  "Other,” in my case involves my catering to 3 cats, 6 chickens, a rooster and 2 acres.  I don't have to listen to a blip of the egg recall mess either--our free range backyard eggs are a nice freedom from the grocery store.

Occasionally I squeeze in my fledgling attempts at artwork, gardening, and doing a study program in naturopathy.  Oh, and yoga complete with cat assistance.  A 180? Perhaps.  Or maybe not...shall we continue with more mindless musings and some delicious roasted summer vegetables?  Or maybe some zucchini spice coconut flour Paleo-esque muffins? 


To celebrate the first zucchini I grew, I chopped up way too many veggies in the wee hours of the morning (before espresso nonetheless!). Plus I use every excuse to use curry. I've converted my husband, his family, and a few other unsuspecting house guests with my curry oatmeal. Sound gross? It is delicious- how can you go wrong with cinnamon, curry, graham Marsala, and other random spices from the cabinet (a dash of mystery spice at my whim every morning makes a good old non-recipe). More on the recipes later. We have plenty of great bloggers out in cyberspace cranking out every seasonal page-ranking recipe they can conjure up in the skulls, so I'll leave that to them for now. I'll be back with recipes soon (it's a promise and a threat :)). Until then, hunker down to some curried zucchini red pepper wild cod with poached eggs. Uhh, actually unless you get safe eggs, maybe nay to the eggs, or come visit me on my mountaintop! Curry Oatmeal (gf oats for you gf kind of folk out there) and some Roasted Summer Vegetables a la' Madras coming up soon... until then as they say "espresso yourself" and have a blessed day!

Perhaps low carb Paleo coconut flour zucchini spice muffins don't look all that sexy... but the espresso compensates, I can assure you ;)

A special thank you to my sister Sandy for proofreading my terrible stream-of-consciousness blog draft!  Also a big hug and thanks to my family and friends (new and old are as good as gold, right BJ?).  I hope your shoulders are not too sore from all of the leaning I did on them...

Cindalou's Kitchen Blues: Healthy Celiac / Coeliac Gluten and Dairy Free Recipes

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